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Ken Saito: list of publication

Last Update 17/Nov/2022

This list does not include publication in Japanese.

  • Articles (a section/chapter of a book is included in this section)
    • Ken Saito "Analysis, si uti scias, potens est. Reappraisal of Heuristic Power of Greek Geometrical Analysis." Philosophia Scientiae 25-3(2021), 23-54. Download (from this site) Download (publisher's site)
    • Ken Saito "`Subire in Cambio' — i teoremi sulle grandezze delle figure negli Elementi di Euclide". in Gabriele Lolli, Francesco Saverio Tortoriello edd. L'arte di pensare: Matematica e filosofia UTET, 2020. 95-115. (ISBN 978-88-6008-600-6)
    • Ken Saito "The third dimension from the ninth century". in D. Green and L. Moretti eds. Thinking 3D: Books, Images and Ideas from Leonardo to the Present. Bodleian Library, 2019. 92-97. (ISBN: 978-1-85124-525-3)
    • Ken Saito "Re-examination of the different origins of the arithmetical books of Euclid's Elements." Historia Mathematica 47(2019), 39-53.
    • Ken Saito "Diagrams in the Arithmetical Books of Euclid's Elements." SCIAMVS 19(2018), 103-166.
    • Ken Saito "Diagrams and traces of oral teaching in Euclid’s Elements: labels and references." ZDM Mathematics Education 50(2018), 921-936.
    • Ken Saito "Johan Ludvig Heiberg e l'edizione critica di Archimede: i fogli perduti del Metodo." in Archimede e le sue fortune: atti del convegno di Siracusa - Messina, 24-26 giugno 2008, a cura di Vincenzo Fera, Daniela Gionta e Antonio Rollo. Messina: Centro internazionale di studi umanistici, 2014, 11-28. (ISBN: 978-88-87541-81-6. Pubblicato nel 2016)
    • Ken Saito "L'edizione di Maurolico dei Coniodi e Sferoidi di Archimede." in Archimede e le sue fortune: atti del convegno di Siracusa - Messina, 24-26 giugno 2008 a cura di Vincenzo Fera, Daniela Gionta e Antonio Rollo. Messina: Centro internazionale di studi umanistici, 2014. Appendice: Francesco Maurolico e le matematiche del Rinascimento. L'edizione critica di testi scientifici e la sfida delle nuove tecnologie: atti del convegno internazzionale di studi (Messina, 16-19 ottobre 2002), 621-639. (ISBN: 978-88-87541-81-6. Pubblicato nel 2016)
    • Ken Saito - Pier Daniele Napolitani, "Reading the Lost Folia of the Archimedean Palimpsest." in Sidoli, N., Van Brummelen, G. eds., From Alexandria, Through Baghdad: Surveys and Studies in the Ancient Greek and Medieval Islamic Mathematical Sciences in Honor of J. L. Berggren, Springer, 2013, 199-225.
    • "Archimede e la doppia riduzione all'assurdo." Lettera matematica pristem, 86 (2013), 9-16. (English version: "Archimedes and double contradiction proof." Lettera matematica international edition, 3 (2013), 97-104.)
    • Pier Daniele Napolitani - Ken Saito, "Archimedes and the baths: not only one eureka." in Lucore S. K., Trümper, M. eds., Greek baths and bathing culture: new discoveries and approaches. Leuven: Peeters, 2013. 181-188.
    • "One Diagram for Multipule Cases." Hvmanistica: An International Journal of Early Renaissance Studies 7(2012): 17-25 (Published in November 2013).
    • "Un Database di diagrammi e figure: presentazione di un progetto." Hvmanistica: An International Journal of Early Renaissance Studies 7(2012): 295-298. (Published in novembre 2013)
    • Ken Saito - Nathan Sidoli, "Diagrams and arguments in ancient Greek Mathematics: Lessons drawn from comparisons of the manuscript diagrams with those in modern critical editions." in Karine Chemla ed. History and historiography of mathematical proof in ancient traditions, Cambridge University Press, 2012, 135-162.
    • "Traditions of the diagram, tradition of the text: A case study." Synthese, 186(2012): 7-20.
    • Nathan Sidoli - Ken Saito, "Comparative analysis in Greek geometry." Historia mathematica, 39(2012): 1-33.
    • Ken Saito - Nathan Sidoli, "The function of diorism in ancient Greek analysis." Historia mathematica, 37(2010): 579-614.
    • Nathan Sidoli - Ken Saito, "The Role of Geometrical Construction in Theodosius's Spherics." Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 63(2009): 581-609.
    • "Reading Ancient Greek Mathematics." in E. Robson and J. Stedall eds. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Mathematics, Oxford University Press, 2009. pp. 801-826.
    • "A preliminary study in the critical assessment of diagrams in Greek mathematical works." SCIAMVS 7(2006), 81-144.
    • "Between Magnitude and Quantity: Another look at Archimedes' Quadrature." Sugaku Expositions 19(2006), 1: 35-52.
    • Pier Daniele Napolitani - Ken Saito " Royal road or labyrinth? Luca Valerio's De centro gravitatis solidorum and the beginnings of modern mathematics." Bolletino di storia delle scienze matematiche, 24(2004), 2: 67-124.
    • Introduction to "Part 3: Studies on Proportion Theory and Incommensurability" in J. Christianidis ed. Classics in the History of Greek Mathematics (Boston studies in the philosophy of science 240), Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. 187-189.
    • "Phantom Theories of pre-Euclidean Proportion." Science in Context, 16-3(2003), 331-347.
    • "Francesco Maurolico's Edition of the Conics" in P.D. Napolitani and P. Souffrin eds., Medieval and Classical Traditions and the Renaissance of Physico-Mathematical Sciences in the 16th Century, (Proceedings of the XXth International Congress of History of Science, Vol. 8), Turnhout (Belgium): Brepols Publishers, 2001. pp. 41-46.
    • Reviel Netz - Ken Saito - Natalie Tchernetska "A New Reading of Method Proposition 14: Preliminary Evidence from the Archimedes Palimpsest." SCIAMVS 2(2001), 9-29; 3(2002), 109-127.
    • P.D. Napolitani - K. Saito " Via regia o labirinto? Il De Centro gravitatis solidorum di Luca Valerio" (56 pages, in Italian). Preprint 5.48.1308 (Feb. 2001) of Sezione di didattica e storia della matematica, Dipartimento di matematica, Università di Pisa.
      To be published in Bollettino di storia delle scienze matematiche.
    • "Mathematical Reconstructions Out, Textual Studies In: 30 Years in the Historiography of Greek Mathematics." Revue d'histoire des mathématiques. 4 (1998), 131-142.
    • "Index of Propositions Used in Book 7 of Pappus' Collection." (complete text and index available here)
      Jinbun Kenkyu: The Journal of Humanities (Faculty of Letters, Chiba University) Vol. 26 (1997), 155-188.
    • "Doubling the Cube: A new Interpretation of Its Significance for Early Greek Geometry."Historia Mathematica. 22-2 (1995), 119-137.
    • "Quelques observations sur l'édition des Coniques d'Apollonius de Francesco Maurolico." Bollettino di storia delle scienze matematiche. 14-2 (1994), 239-258.
    • "Proposition 14 of Book V of the Elements --- A Proposition that remained a Local Lemma."Revue d'histoire des sciences. 47-2 (1994), 273-284.
    • "Duplicate Ratio in Book VI of Euclid's Elements. Historia Scientiarum. 2nd Ser. Vol. 3-2 (1993), 115-135. Download
    • "Un Esempio di antica algebra giapponese." Periodico di matematiche. Serie VI, Vol.65 (1989), fasc.1, 16-28
    • "Compounded Ratio in Euclid and Apollonius." Historia Scientiarum, 31 (1986), 25-59. Download
    • "Book II of Euclid's Elements in the Light of the Theory of Conic Sections." Historia Scientiarum, 28 (1985), 31-60. Download
      Reprinted in J. Christianidis ed., Classics in the History of Greek Mathematics (Boston studies in the philosophy of science 240), Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. 139-168.
  • Book Reviews
    • Fabio Acerbi, Il silenzio delle sirene: la matematica greca antica. Roma; Carocci, 2010. 445pp., ill, ISBN 978-88-430-5579-1.
      Nuncius.28-1 (2013): 223-228. (Review written in English)
    • Michael N. Fried, Sabetai Unguru. Apollonius of Perga's Conics: Text, Context, Subtext. ix + 499pp., Leiden: Brill, 2001.
      Historia Matehmatica. 32-4(2005): 481-485.
    • Serafina Cuomo, Ancient Mathematics. (Science of Antiquity.) xii + 290pp., illus., figs., bibl., index. London/New York: Routledge, 2001.
      Isis.93-2(2002): 295-296.
    • Reviel Netz, The Shaping of Deduction in Greek Mathematics.
      Endeavour. 24-2(2000): 85-86. ERRATUM
    • Enrico Giusti, Euclides Reformatus: La teoria delle proporzioni nella scuola galileiana.
      Historia Mathematica. 21(1994): 465-468. (Review written in English)
  • Other Works
    • Contribution to the Greek mathematics section of the second edition in CD-ROM of The History of Mathematics from Antiquity to the Present: A Selective Annotated Bibliography. ed. Albert C. Lewis, American Mathematical Society, 2000.

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